Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Current Events #3- India Climate

India Climate
Unlike New Jersey, India falls into the tropical area, therefore experiences different seasons and weather. During Sept.-Oct. time, New Jersey gets a drastic change in temperature, from hot to cold; during Apr.-May, cold to hot. In India, on the other hand, the temperature mostly stays in the same area.

India has four seasons: Winter, Summer/Pre-Monsoon, Monsoon/Rainy, & Post Monsoon.
-Winter: Occurs between Jan and Mar. In the northwest, temperatures are
50-59°F ( 10–15 °C); in the southeast, temperatures reach 80-89 °F ( 20–25 °C).
-Summer: From March-June. Temperatures reaching 90-104 °F (32-40°C).
-Monsoon: Lasting from June-Sept. A lot of rain and humidity. South to North
-Post Monsoon: From Oct.-Dec. Cloudless. South India receives more precipitation.

I think the weather in India is nice and warm; but you aren't exposed to different types of weather. It could get boring having in it rain the whole trimester. In New Jersey, the rain would last for a week or two and be gone. Here, you are exposed to different ranges in temperature, therefore you are used to the warm and humid, and the frosty cold. When you travel, you'll be used to whatever type of weather they have.

My Current Events post if referring to the "Climate of India" article from wikipedia.


Monday, October 27, 2008

Current Events #2

Behold! It’s the new Google Android Phone!

Google recently released their new phone, and I was a bit curious to know what is was all about. Is the new “G Phone” better than Apple’s iPhone, or the iPhone still the best? Well let’s find out?
“There's no way it can hold up all of their expectations—and it doesn't.”

I did some research to see what people with the new phone think. When I saw one review, it seemed as if the G phone isn’t worth spending money on. There were a lot of complaints.

“Some serious problems with accessibility and usability”

Apparently, the keyboard has lots of problems. It is always in your way when you are trying to type. Also, a full charge only lasts for about a day. Another thing is that the GPS is off by default. Although the calling quality is good, the screen times out after 10 seconds.
Now, I hve seen and used the iPhone and it is much better than what this review says. In my opinion, the G phone loses the battle and is just another copycat of the iPhone.

CLick here! for where I got this image....

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Current Event 1-4th Generation iPod Nano

My current events article is on the new iPod Nano manufactured by Apple Inc.. I got all my information from the website at the bottom of the post. 
The newest iPod Nano just came out and was officailly announced on 9/9/08. It is the fourth generation one. There are many cool new features that are built into this  iPod. One of the features include the Genius feature. The Genius feature tells you and makes a playlist of songs that you have in your library that go well with the one you are currently listening to. Also, you can find your music faster by simply shifting your iPod horizantally which'll change the view to Cover Flow, or you can press and hold the center button and search by artist or album. Another thing you can do by tilting your iPod is you can listen, watch and play in new ways. Instead of going all the way to the main menu to shuffle your songs, which takes five seconds, all you have to do is shake the iPod to shuffle, which takes only two seconds. You can also download picuters to your iPod, view your photos upright to see them in potrait mode or turn it to the side to see the picture in landscape mode. Did I mention that you can play games on your iPod. Not the parachute and brick breaker games, I mean real ones like Spore. These are games made especially for the iPod nano. Watching videos on your iPod has gotten even better. The fourth generation nano has 2" screen that shows more clear and vivid videos.
I chose to do my current events on the fourth generation iPod Nano because i found a cool and interesting page on the iPod. My opinion on the iPod Nano is that I think that it is very neat and advance. It gives more options than the ones earlier. The iPod nano is very cool because it has hot, new feature like the Genius.
I got my info and based my post on the iPod nano feature page on the apple website- http://www.apple.com/ipodnano/features.html

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


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Monday, October 6, 2008


Please comment on my blog. I'd love to know what you think about my blog.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Blogs I Read

Hey! These are some blogs that I go to. Check them out!!!


Thursday, October 2, 2008


check out these blogs!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Checking In

Hi was just checking in to update. Please feel free to leave a comment(s). Make sure your comment is nice and kind, and it should be appropriate.


Sup! This is musicgirlno1. Welcome to my omega blog.