Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Response to October Sky

         Recently, we watched the movie October Sky. This movie is about a kid named Homer Hickam's ambition about rockets after he observes the Sputnik in an October night flying through the stars. He then is inspired to create a rocket of his own with the helps of his friends, Roy Lee and Odell, along with science geek Quintin. They form the Big Creek Missile Agency (BCMA), a rocket launching spot. Unfortunately, his father John did not approve of this and wanted his son to pursue the Coalwood (of West Virginia) tradition to work in the mine. The disadvantages of working in a mine is that it is likely to get killed by accidents and coughing due to breathing in coal dust. Homer and his friends use the successful rocket they built and compete in a science fair and win. Because they won, one of them gets to go to another big science fair in Indiana and wins there again! This movie connects to science, math, and our character education.
         October Sky relates to science because of the movie having to do with rockets. The boys try many times to build a successful rocket with correct proportions and eventually succeed. Along with rockets, there are coalmines. Many of the citizens in Coalwood work in the towns' well-known coal mine, hence the name "Coalwood". Coal is a very useful rock in science. Coal is also used to power trains, as electricity, heat up places, as well as being given to people on the "Bad List" by Santa Claus. In the scene where they show Sputnik also relates to science as Sputnik being the first human-made object to orbit the Earth.
           This movies involves math Homer uses the equation from the book Miss Riley gave as a birthday present to prove that one of the boys' rockets didn't cause a fire. When, Homer drops out of school in order to work for the mine because his dad is unable to work due to injuries in the mine, in his spare time he figures out a very difficult equation with no help. 
             The movies also exhibits character education when the boys show empathy towards Quentin, a science geek by letting him join their group.  In addition, towards the end of the story John shows cooperation by finally attends his son's last rocket launch, thus given the honor to push the button in order for the rocket to take off.
              October Sky is a wonderful movie to watch. It's also inspirational because it shows that even an ordinary boy can pursue his extraordinary dreams. For further information, this movie is based on a real story with the real Homer Hickam. So why don't you rent this movie and watch it!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Response: Turner's Syndrome

Turner's Syndrome is a genetic disease. Symptoms include-
  • Shorter then regular women
  • They cannot conceive children because their ovaries don't work.
  • They have extra skin on their neck.
  • Swelling on hands and feet
  • Heart effects
  • and Kidney problems
I find this very heartbreaking. With these symptoms, people wouldn't feel like being around you. Other then that, it seems to me that patients have a very miserable life. I would hate to be unable to bear children.Bearing children is a gift to women. It is what make a woman a woman. This is one of my dreams. Women have done nothing to get this disease. These patients won't be able to see the light of life. To die at age of 17 is unfair. Unfortunatly, there is no cure.

Click here to find out which blog I responded to!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Genetic Disorders: Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is a muscular dystrophy which primarily affects voluntary muscles. This genetic disorder is caused by an absence of dystrophin, a protein that helps muscle cells intact. Being a patient, the symptoms and possible complications are-
  • awkward walking, stepping, running, etc.
  • frequent falls
  • fatigue
  • difficulty in motor skills
  • effects in posture
  • muscle contractures
  • difficulty walking
  • muscle fiber deformities
  • risk of learning disabilities
  • loss of ability to walk (by age 12)
  • scoliosis
There is no treatment or cure for this disorder, but patients do go for physical therapy. The life span typically ranges from the late teens to mid 30's. Some patients live through their 40's. This disease occurs 1 in 3,500 males. Only males get this disorder, though females can be carriers. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy can also be caused by a mutation in a gene called DMD, which is located on the X chromosome.

I think parents should check and know if in the family history whether or not anyone has ever gotten that disorder. This will help treatment and or prevention. In addition, scientists and doctors should study what is the cause of short life span and should come up with some type of antidote which can prevent short mortality. Where there's a will, there's a way!